Our training philosophy is simple: No one should teach or provide guidance on something if they don't have a proven track record of having done it successfully themselves.

Hands-on experience for your success

Our trainers have over 27 years experience in teaching and adult education, and have delivered over 300 virtual and in person classes and workshops to over 5200 professionals globally. We have custom tailored and delivered industry-recognized and awarded training in private and public settings to people in over 15 countries across 5 continents, and for both professional businesses as well as university, college, and academic organizations. 

We are particularly proud of the hands-on practical experience our trainers bring to the table. Every trainer has decades of experience working (not consulting, actually working) in a diverse variety of industries, which results in a deeper understanding and relevance of the learning materials we use. This hands-on experience provides our trainers with a wealth of knowledge, stories, experiences, and perspectives that they share in their learning events to make your learning and skills training tremendously relevant and memorable.

We are proud to be recognized for our world-class skills training courses!

We are equally proud to deliver learning events for global certification agencies such as Kanban University® and the Agile Education® Organization by Scrum Inc®.

Our approach for all courses is collaborative, and provides a balanced blend of hands-on exercises, collaborative dialogue, and bi-directional lecture-based discussions to reinforce and ensure learning retention.

We also pride ourselves in creating and delivering tailored learning events, and have worked with many companies to customize the curriculum and approach to ensure the content is fit for purpose, adds intrinsic value, and resonates with your people as a memorable experience.

Reach out – we would love to see you in one of our learning events, or to custom build and deliver one for you!

Experience our world-class training to enable your success!